The mud of pure malice pollutes the wetlands of the Yuhwa Province and the people of Eunsan grow restless and scared as possessions and undead mischief become commonplace. Undying Corruption will take your characters from lvls 1 to 20 as ordinary shamans and exorcists of the Black Bear Clan restoring order between the physical world and the spiritual. What appears like a local issue becomes far grander as your journey takes you across the entirety of the Korean mythology-inspired country of Danguk, uncovering the dark conspiracy at the root of the challenges you must face.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
February Update: OrcCon! Stream! Previews!!
about 1 month ago
– Sat, Jan 18, 2025 at 10:12:23 AM
Hello all! To those of you in Southern California, I hope that you're all safe and recuperating from the wildfires. We're away enough from any evacuation zones, so all's well here.
We are officially announcing what we hope to be a full campaign stream of our book GMed by Stellaluna! Applications are opened until 1/28, so if you're interested in joining, please do apply!
Nine Heavens Press at OrcCon!
We'll be tabling at the dealer's hall at OrcCon 2025! All of our merchandise and books, including our KS-exclusive limited edition Alex Ahad variant covers, will be on sale in person. All proceeds will go to help pay performers for the stream and of course for projects we're working on!
OrcCon is on the President's Day Weekend, February 14-17, at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport! Please come by, we'd love to meet you!
Pathfinder 2e Conversion
Arc 2 is underway and almost finished being committed to layout! We should have that out shortly within the month. I'm also happy to provide our conversion notes for playtesting and early review for KS and preorder backers! You can access them through your BackerKit downloads.
Korean Translation
Arc 2 is also being translated here, but production there has also been affected by the whole martial law mess. We might do something similar with the Pathfinder 2e conversions just so that we can get playable content out to backers before we commit them to beautiful layout.
Cloudbreaker Alliance Conversion
Production has restarted here as well now that I have more room in between fulfillment concluding and different projects!
Black Market Guide to Immortality Previews
We're well on our way to releasing our 2nd Kickstarter within the year. We're eager to show some previews that our artists have been working on! Much of what we're working on includes new creatures and worldbuilding expansions into the world of and surrounding Danguk. Please look forward to more updates, including new kinds of merchandise we're testing out!
Fulfillment has concluded as I think I mentioned in the previous update, but if anyone has outstanding orders they'd like to finalize, please let me know! I'm happy to still send you order once we can work out matters concerning the unfinished survey or shipping fees.
I've also sent out any remaining orders due to be delivered to Canada now that USPS has reopened deliveries there.
Phew, that was quite a bit! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach us at [email protected]. You're also welcomed to comment here or send a private message to us!
You can find us wherever on social media at
January Update: Happy Holidays and Update
about 2 months ago
– Wed, Dec 25, 2024 at 10:27:40 AM
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, whatever you celebrate! We at the Nine Heavens Press team are very much enjoying our break and rearing to get back to work right after.
Fulfillment Update
As of now, North America and South American deliveries should have come to a close. Every future order placed in either BackerKit or our BigCartel store will be handled by me personally. I have a number of Canadian orders left to make, but in the interest of saving costs, I'm waiting for USPS to announce that they're once again accepting deliveries to Canada. While the Canada Post strike may have come to a close, USPS is waiting for Canada Post to handle their holiday backlogs. So no worries there.
Regarding Europe and Australia, we're still waiting on the fulfillment company to ship out everything. Their estimates for delivery fees and taxes have already been paid off. The rest, unfortunately, is out of my hands for the moment. I'm hoping that they handle the deliveries before the end of the new year. So no worries, you'll be alerted to their progress from them directly through email, I imagine.
To-Do List for 2025
Though we're drawing to a close with fulfillment, that doesn't mean we at Nine Heavens Press haven't been busy. We expect 2025 to be a very busy year for us. There are still a number of loose ends with the Undying Corruption project that we intend to deal with. For transparency's sake, here is that list:
Korean translation of the full book (1/6 arcs finished)
Pathfinder 2e conversion of the full book (1/6 arcs finished)
Cloudbreaker Alliance conversion of the full book (0/6 arcs finished, player's guide pending)
Alchemy VTT integration of the adventure
Exploring Roll20 and Foundry integration of the full book
Alchemy VTT integration is being handled by the Alchemy team and for Roll20 and Foundry, it's just a matter of learning how to work within their systems to format a proper adventure. Those will simply require me sitting down and going through them step by step, no matter how long it should take. I intend to get started on that in the coming days.
Translation and Conversion Options
Addressing the conversions, we have to prioritize both the Korean translation and the Pathfinder 2e conversions. For the Korean version, to speed things up, we can delay committing them to layout and release translator's notes until we're ready to properly handle a formal version.
Honestly, we can do the same with the Pathfinder version as well. If people would prefer it this way for the sake of playtesting, please let me know. The Pathfinder version is all but finished minus playtesting. The Korean translation will take time as translation itself still requires funding.
So please do let me know! I'm happy to accommodate however possible if people prefer having a playable work over a perfectly compiled book.
2025 New Year's Resolutions
As the new year looms over, we've drawn up a list of goals we'd like to meet. Here they are as follows:
Get Undying Corruption out to retail
Sell at our first gaming convention
Run a game at a local game store
Launch our second Kickstarter campaign
The first three will help us gain more staying power so that we can continue to keep the lights on at our little operation. We're investing efforts in the fourth goal in order to raise funds for not just a new book, but to make it easier to fund our promised translation and conversions.
To give you all a hint as to what's coming, the title of our new book is The Black Market Guide to Immortality. What started out as a bestiary grew into a full splatbook containing new worldbuilding and playable options expanding on the world we've established in Undying Corruption. The first draft is 80-90% finished with art underway already.
We're very excited to share our exploration into the lands of Long Xin and the Kyougen Federation established in our Player's Guide.
Holiday Sale
Lastly, our holiday sale is still up until the end of the year! You can purchase any merchandise or book at a lower rate at any of our online stores. We appreciate all of your generous support up to now as we work to create more art and stories for folks to enjoy.
December 2024: Canadian backers, additional fees from UPS
3 months ago
– Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 06:56:15 PM
Hi everyone,
It has come to my attention that UPS charged an additional fee onto our Canadian backers in spite of the delivery cost that we had initially already collected. This was only made aware to me recently as a number of people DMed me about the issue. Unhappy as I am about UPS and my being left oblivious to this whole process, it's on us to make things right.
I'm happy to reimburse everyone for the $10 paid. Had I known UPS just passed the charge along, I wouldn't have bothered. Refunds will be made, you can expect them to return to your account within 3-5-ish days.
This might be the best way to handle the matter, but let me know if you have any further suggestions on how to make this right. DM me or email me at [email protected]. Thank you very much.
December 2024 Update: Delivery Update, Holiday Sale, Clarifications
3 months ago
– Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 02:50:09 PM
Hello and happy Indigenous People's Day or Thanksgiving!
NA deliveries have been 80% sent out. For Europe and elsewhere, the fulfillment company says they'll send everything out sometime next week or so, once they send me my official invoice. Everything will draw to a close no later than December.
I'm seeing that a lot of people got their book and please do send me pics of 'em! They absolutely make my day.
We've finalized all payments with regards to the fulfillment companies. If anyone would still like to pay their shipping cost for an order, I'm happy to handle it personally. We still have a number of extra books and merchandise we manufactured.
Holiday Sale
Now that payments have been resolved for now, we can re-initiate our holiday sale! Everything on BackerKit, DriveThruRPG, and our webstore is on sale!
Acrylic Stand Situation
So we wanted to clarify the matter again. Back some months ago, I believe I mentioned that the manufacturers that we attempted to partner with went into radio silence while we were working things out. Unfortunately, we couldn't find anyone to properly manufacture the stands to playable specifications. Working within the standardized sizes of regular miniatures narrowed the amount of people who could offer services like this drastically.
To those who are disappointed to find it missing from the order, I apologize and I'd like to make it right. To those that ordered the stands as an add-on, I'm happy to send you merchandise that would equal up to the value of the acrylic stands ($30). That means I'm happy to send anyone additional softcover books, enamel pins, or stickers if they'd like. Just reach out to me and we can work something reasonable out.
Otherwise, I'll make a spreadsheet and include everyone who should have received their stands as part of their Kickstarter tier reward or as an add-on. It'll be marked as credit for any future campaign we make. For example, I'm happy to upgrade anyone's backer tier for any next future project that we crowdfund.
So again, I apologize for the disappointment and I'm happy to work things out with you personally to make things right.
If you have any questions, comments, or concern, comment here or DM me! You can also contact me by email: [email protected]. Otherwise, please find us on social media!
Shipping Update: North America and Europe; Korean Arc 1 is out
4 months ago
– Mon, Nov 04, 2024 at 06:50:57 PM
Hello everyone!
I'm happy to report that the fulfillment company for North America and Europe I'm partnered with is getting ready to ship off books and other merchandise to folks. Most of you have been sent emails with final notices for adjustments to addresses. Please also do pay your shipping fees as we are finally ready to collect those!
Once we've collected shipping payments from everyone, I will restart our Holiday Sale!
I've done a new merchandise run for our Kickstarter items and they're back up for sale. Books and PDFs are 20% off and prints, stickers, and pins are 10% off. We'll also extend the sale based on the number of days we'll need to resolve fulfillment.
Korean translation Arc 1
Arc 1's translation is out! Thank you for your patience. You can access it with your BackerKit downloads.
Oh, regarding shipping to Korea from here on, good news: