The mud of pure malice pollutes the wetlands of the Yuhwa Province and the people of Eunsan grow restless and scared as possessions and undead mischief become commonplace. Undying Corruption will take your characters from lvls 1 to 20 as ordinary shamans and exorcists of the Black Bear Clan restoring order between the physical world and the spiritual. What appears like a local issue becomes far grander as your journey takes you across the entirety of the Korean mythology-inspired country of Danguk, uncovering the dark conspiracy at the root of the challenges you must face.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
November 2024: Shipping Updates
4 months ago
– Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 03:55:11 PM
Hello everyone! We're heading into the holidays and I've got shipping updates for everyone.
North America
I've just been told that the fulfillment company we're partnered with can begin sending out books come November. They're finishing their obligations for other projects and can devote their attention to Undying Corruption after. We'll start collecting shipping fees soon after. Once I make final confirmation on fees, I'll start collecting.
UK, EU, Asia
We're taking the first steps to start sending out books. I'll collect shipping fees after the weekend once I input the proper prices and tax amounts into BackerKit. Please update your address and payment methods in BackerKit if necessary. The fees should be up and pending for your final confirmation as well. I hope to start charging come the next workweek.
South Korea
I believe shipping has completed. Thank you everyone for your support. Some of you still haven't finished your survey, so if you'd like your book, please complete that and pay the shipping fee!
If you'd still like to order a book, I can send it out to you personally with a lower shipping fee!
Korean Translation
We've had some rounds of revisions between the layout artist and translator, but Arc 1 should be out very shortly. Translating the table of contents in advance took a bit of extra time. Please look forward to the release very soon.
Pathfinder 2e Conversion
Arc 1 is out through BackerKit! We're hoping to continue releasing these conversions as soon as we can compensate for layout. We hope that you enjoy playing through Undying Corruption in Pathfinder!
As War of the Immortals comes out, I'm pondering how to incorporate mythic rules maybe. It's probably too late now since we've released our Player's Guide already, but those mythic rules are definitely useful for latter parts of the game!
Personal Business
In other news, writing for the second book has reached a very good point. We're looking to get some critical key art finished and then we can put out previews. I'm hoping to put out a playtest document to tease it to a wider audience, so look forward to that.
October 2024: Quick Update
5 months ago
– Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 07:29:02 AM
Hello, I hope you’re all doing well as the weather finally cools off!
Short update this time as we expect to put up another soon.
US and UK Shipping
The books have arrived at port! We experienced some delays due to port congestion, but the logistics company for Seattle has finally contacted me with the proper paperwork. I’ll be in touch with the fulfillment companies soon as we get more updates on the situation.
But things are in motion. You can expect to be charged for shipping soon, which I will update on the matter here with specifics.
Korea shipping
Shipping in Korea is almost complete! The last batch I’m hearing is due to be sent out. I will charge everyone who received a physical book $8 to help with both shipping and covering labor for fulfillment costs through BackerKit shortly.
Korean translation and PF2e
We’re committing both versions of Arc 1 to layout presently. There’s a bit of work we found that was necessary, but I think we can expect to get both of them out sometime October.
There might be a lull in between as we get the funding situation sorted, especially as we begin shipping, but of course we’ll be doing our best to work on our deliverables. Right now, we’re beginning a new project that I’m hoping would enable us to get funding a little faster all at once.
Thank you all once again for your patience and support! Please stay tuned as we receive more updates on shipping. If you have any questions, please comment or reach us out at [email protected].
September 2024 Update: PF2e Player's Guide out & Freight Progress
6 months ago
– Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 07:18:11 PM
Hello everyone! Not long till the end of summer, so hopefully things cool down soon.
As you may have noticed, our Pathfinder 2e Player's Guide has been sent out to everyone's emails through BackerKit. We have officially started the playtest phase for our many classes and ancestries. Due to most of the material we wanted to work with from PF2e being tied to SRD, we opted not to fully place Undying Corruption under the new ORC license. However, we're following the example set by Rage of Elements and formatting our book to be Remaster-friendly. Spell and monster names will remain as it was under SRD, but other forms of terminology and certain gameplay mechanics like the removal of alignment will conform to the remastered rules.
Freight Progress
Dice & Comics Cafe in Korea received the books! The ships containing books for our North America, EU, and global backers have finally departed. We expect the fulfillment companies we've partnered with to receive everything by late September to early October.
Look forward to future updates on delivery progress especially once we reach word they've arrived at our North American and UK fulfillment partners' doorsteps. They've reached me here in California, so I presume it won't be too much longer. My printers mentioned that North America should receive theirs within late September to early October.
Korean Translation & Pathfinder 2e Conversion
We've begun the work of committing our completed translation of Arc 1 into proper layout format. Any work on these ends will begin the moment we acquire funds to pay for the necessary labor. As mentioned, everything from here on out must be paid out of pocket.
Right now, when we're able to sell our books properly, my highest priority will be using the income to complete the Korean translation and the Pathfinder 2e conversion. We thank everyone for their patience and support up till this point.
The Future
So in order to help continue growing our little creative group, I've been tinkering with different project ideas related to Undying Corruption. I'm thinking about putting out soon a bestiary that compiles every creature in our book plus more. For one, it's a convenient way of keeping stock of all the wonderful beasties we've put out. We're also planning on using the opportunity to present new creatures and gods found in Danguk, Long Xin, and the Kyougen Federation.
DriveThruRPG will have our printed books for sale shortly once we get through the approval process. We'll update you on this as well.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected].
August Update: Books Printed, Shipment Due to Begin
7 months ago
– Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 06:13:04 PM
Happy summer! I hope you're all keeping cool.
I'm proud to announce that all the books have been printed. The printers tell me they look even better than in the pictures that they've sent:
The books will be shipped out to our fulfillment partners from the printers this coming Friday. We will contact everyone about shipping fees once we get exact estimates for them. The fated day is almost upon us!
In the meantime, we've officially begun layout art for the Pathfinder 2e conversion's Player's Guide. We'll see how long conversions will take us, but we hope to certainly have significant updates for you on this front by next time.
We are live on DriveThruRPG and! The final copies of our books (the Player's Guide, adventure, and Korean-translated Player's Guide) are officially on sale.
If anyone is interested in adding the PDFs of our Player's Guide and adventure to their libraries on either site, please email me and I'm happy to work that out with you. A rating or review would really help us out here on these platforms!
State of Funding
Our remaining biggest promises are the Korean translation and the Pathfinder 2e conversion. At present, I think the Pathfinder conversion will require less capital to pay for. The Korean translation is more expensive as we are essentially paying for the cost of rewriting our book. With freight now having been paid for, we have officially exhausted all of our Kickstarter earnings. Everything from this point on is either out of pocket or, ideally, from book sales.
I'm announcing this to give everyone a realistic idea of where we're at in terms of what we're capable of. Of course, I promise we'll still fulfill our biggest promises. Right now, the issue comes from being able to pay for the key necessary labor. All this is to say, I hope to continue counting on your support, especially as I begin the hard work of telling more people about the book! I'm trying to be more active on that front so that I can get you the conversion and the translation sooner rather than later.
By the way, I'm eager to open up paid GM sessions for a Curse of Strahd, another 5e module, or a Pathfinder 2e adventure path during the weekday afternoons to evenings if people are interested. Our Sunday Season of Ghosts game is going well and any earnings will go to paying for Nine Heavens Press projects.
I have an account on StartPlaying if interested and you can hit me up there!
That is everything for now, I believe! If you have any questions or comments, you can email us at [email protected], hit us up on Twitter, or join our growing Discord server!
June 2024: Full PDF Release
8 months ago
– Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 03:23:54 PM
The full PDF release of Arc 6: Heavens: Those Who Wail is out! All Arcs 1-6 have been released through BackerKit. A corrected version of the Player's Guide has also been released. We've been spending the month doing more thorough corrections based on reviews sent to us by fans. Our aim is to make sure the printed copy is as close to perfect as it can possibly be. If anyone notices anything else, please let us know by 7/01 which is when we will send the PDFs to be printed.
It is finally happening. Thank you very much for all of your patience and support. We know that this update is coming out late, but we've been using that time to perfect our final draft.
The hardcover books will take 3 weeks or so to finish printing based on our printer's estimates. After which, the books will be shipped over to our partnered fulfillment companies who will take charge of delivering the books and merch to everyone.
We're on the final leg of this. After we send out the PDFs to print, we'll continue work on the Pathfinder 2e release.
To be perfectly forward, we're spacing out our resources to make sure that we can focus on our priorities and compensate our partners. We're close to exhausting the funds that we've received through Kickstarter, so everything after printing will be funded out of pocket. Still, we're almost ready to do the fun work of again spreading the word of our printed book, and I do intend to fulfill the promises laid out in our campaign.
All of that said, we're extremely grateful for all your support and encouragement as we reach this milestone. It still feels a little unreal, to have published a book and this big a one at that, but I'm humbled by the fact that there's still so much to do. We're excited to hear from you!