
Undying Corruption: A Korean 5e Adventure

Created by Nine Heavens Press

The mud of pure malice pollutes the wetlands of the Yuhwa Province and the people of Eunsan grow restless and scared as possessions and undead mischief become commonplace. Undying Corruption will take your characters from lvls 1 to 20 as ordinary shamans and exorcists of the Black Bear Clan restoring order between the physical world and the spiritual. What appears like a local issue becomes far grander as your journey takes you across the entirety of the Korean mythology-inspired country of Danguk, uncovering the dark conspiracy at the root of the challenges you must face.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

February 2024: Arc 2, Patreon, and Update!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 01, 2024 at 02:24:52 PM

It's February 2024! 

Hello everyone, I hope you've had a good start to the New Year. It's now both Black History Month and just a week from Lunar New Year. Very exciting.

Act 2

First thing's first, we've uploaded the PDF for Act 2 out of 6 of Undying Corruption! You can download and play Water: Dead Men's Raid from BackerKit just like with both Act 1 and the Player's Guide. This act will take you to the port city of Nampung which is under siege by undead pirates based on the multinational wokou pirates from history! 

From a small village to treacherous waters, your adventure's only getting bigger from here. Please let us know what you think of it!


NHP finally has our own Patreon up!

Click here to see our Patreon!

We're hoping to use the Patreon platform to both help fund future projects and work on smaller projects such as homebrew NPC/Monster statblocks, PF2e-5e conversions, digital tokens, and also, printable paper minis

Below, we'd like to share a preview of our Astromancer Lunamorph NPC, Yun Dal-myeong. She's a wizard from the Moon on a mission to reunite with her true love, a distant dwarf planet. You can add her into any game you're running with custom Valiant Actions to support your PCs with. We have more to come over the coming weeks!


Everything on the merch front is going well. I've sorted everything to be shipped to their respective warehouses for final deliveries minus acrylic standees which we're hoping to find time to work on properly. That's the last thing though, so we can coordinate everything to be delivered alongside the final hardcover and softcover books.

Act 3 will be slightly late about by a week or so, due to some personal matters to attend to. We're committed to staying the pace, but I just wanted to let all of you know in advance.

Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to comment here, DM us privately, or email us at [email protected]. You can also chat with the growing NHP community at our Discord server!

Click here to join our Discord server!

January Update: Player's Guide and Arc 1 PDF out
about 1 year ago – Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 12:40:00 PM

Hey everyone, happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and happy new year!

Hope you've all been getting some rest amidst the festivities. As for this month's progress update, I'm happy to announce that the Player's Guide PDF and the PDF for Arc 1 out of 6 have been released. You might've received an email from BackerKit with a link to your downloads. If you haven't, you might need to complete your survey first. In that case, please contact me and I can resend yours to you. We plan to release the remaining arcs one at a time per month and as we collect feedback for essentially our closed beta period, we'll fine-tune the final iteration so that the printed edition will be perfect.

On the merchandise side, we're proud to announce that I've received the prints and enamel pins are currently in manufacturing. That just leaves the acrylic standees and the norigae, so we're making solid time with these. 

That's largely it for now, but please stay tuned in the coming month as we're working on some exciting things we're itching to announce. Till then, we'll keep working on both layout and translating our book into Korean. 

We're also almost ready to start our paid-GM 5e Curse of Strahd and PF2e Season of Ghosts campaigns to help fund future projects, so if you're interested, please contact me to discuss scheduling! Thanks so much and again, happy new year!

If you have any questions or comments, you can reply here or contact us at [email protected]. Please also consider joining us in our Discord server by clicking the following link:

Click here to join our server!

December Update: Arc 1, Player's Guide, Merchandise Updates, and Paid GMing
about 1 year ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 11:31:52 AM

Happy December! We're pleased to bring you your monthly progress report.

Progress Report

I'm happy to announce that the stickers have all been manufactured and we're in the process of getting the pins manufactured as well. We're underway with having all of our Kickstarter merch produced and ready to ship alongside the hardcover books once those are completed as well.

Regarding Arc 1, after listening to some comments sent to us responding to the previous update, we've decided to take a little bit of time to complete the Player's Guide. To play the game ideally, people ought to have access to the most recent iterations of both game mechanics and world lore. We'll send over PDFs of both at the beginning of December in lieu of rushing production. This gave us an opportunity to commission and include more art into the books. Once again, we appreciate your patience as we make sure to get the best possible versions of our books and merchandise out to backers.

5e, PF2e Paid GM Games

I'd also like to announce that I'm looking into running paid-GM games come January after the holidays to help fund future projects we're excited to work on. They'll be run digitally over Discord and through either Roll20 or Foundry depending. I'm looking to open two groups: one 5e and one PF2e and the games will be decided by popular request.

Personally, for 5e, I'd love to run Curse of Strahd or Out of the Abyss as I don't have experience with either. For PF2e, we're at 3-4/6 players and they've decided on Season of Ghosts, a supernatural, very Japanese mythology-inspired adventure path. If you're interested or know anybody who is interested, please let me know!

That's all we've got for this month. We'll return in January with more good news! Please enjoy your holidays and see you very soon.

Please feel free to leave a comment, contact us at [email protected] or any of our social media accounts, or chat with us in the NHP Discord server:

Click here to join our Discord server!

November Update: Sequential PDF Releases
over 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 12:16:31 PM

Hey everyone!

Happy Autumn, we're heading smack dab into the fall season! To fill you in on what's been happening, we're making excellent progress. I've written out the promised one-shot "The Great Pagoda Heist", formerly known as "Curse of Nangweon Temple". Not only that, but I've started a regular project converting older edition and PF monsters to 5e on social media. Just something in between work.

We're also formatting the PDF. It's a big task and it might take a little more time than expected, but I'm not here today to announce a delay. Instead, we're going to deliver each of the 6 arcs of our adventure book sequentially, one arc at a time as we head into the final hardcover book release.

This enables us to receive more playtest data pertinent to the story itself. If there's any need to put forward erratas, we'll have early data that can help us save time later down the line since we needed some broader player reviews. That way, the final book release will ensure the adventure is in its most perfect form. Think of this as a closed beta: everyone who preordered or backed us will receive a chapter per month release.

You can expect arc 1 to be delivered sometime around November! We'll send you guys each a completed arc leading up to the final product within/before a month.

That in mind, here's a preview of our layout:

Internal Preview

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to hit us up on Kickstarter, email us at [email protected], or join us at our Discord server!

Click here to join our Discord server!

October Update | Big Bad Con, Progress Report
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 11:49:26 AM

Bulgae by Nidhi Naroth

The eclipsing hound of the Emperor of Darkness; as he coveted the light of the heavens, he sent his Bul-gae to seize the sun and the moon, which proved too big a task for its jaws. These shadow creatures can assume aspects of both radiant and necrotic energies.

Hello, folks, happy Tuesday!

So far, we're making good strides with the book. Illustrations are finished which gives us time to get to commissions for both the Daewang and Mountain God Tiers. So far, half of those commissions are either in progress or have been sent out to their recipients.

As for the book itself, our very detail-oriented English to Korean translator Dan is giving it one last look so that we can say with total confidence everything is as it should be. In sum, we will be able to finish formatting the book by the end of the year as promised a while ago. Meanwhile, I've completed converting the 5e rule set to Pathfinder 2e. It's being reviewed by a handful of playtesters to make sure that balancing-wise, nothing is amiss. Following that, I can fully dive into our one-shots and then Cloudbreaker Alliance.

Big Bad Con

Announcing it here, but I will be at Big Bad Con! If anyone wants to meet me or say hello, definitely hit me up and I'd be happy to stop by. I will also be a panelist for the Appropriation or Appreciation? panel on September 30th at 9AM (Cypress Room C (113)) alongside some amazing fellow creators. 

In general, we'll be speaking on what it means to appreciate and share the cultures we've lived appropriately in the TTRPG sphere vs. minimizing or removing context from others' cultures. It's definitely something I've had to put a lot of thought into while working on Undying Corruption! Especially as I learned more about and did my best to respect my own country's folklore and indigenous faith.

If you have any questions or concerns for me, please feel free to comment here or contact me at [email protected]. Otherwise, you can always find us in our Discord server!

As a semi-regular exercise, I've started converting 3.5e/PF2e monsters to 5e, and I'd love your thoughts on those.

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