The mud of pure malice pollutes the wetlands of the Yuhwa Province and the people of Eunsan grow restless and scared as possessions and undead mischief become commonplace. Undying Corruption will take your characters from lvls 1 to 20 as ordinary shamans and exorcists of the Black Bear Clan restoring order between the physical world and the spiritual. What appears like a local issue becomes far grander as your journey takes you across the entirety of the Korean mythology-inspired country of Danguk, uncovering the dark conspiracy at the root of the challenges you must face.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
May 2024 Update (1.5): New Korean PDF + translator notes
9 months ago
– Sun, May 12, 2024 at 01:03:36 PM
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to fill you guys in: we readjusted the Korean PDF so you should only be able to read one page at a time. In addition, we included our translator's notes to help clarify or add context for certain translation decisions. They've been compiled together into a zip file and sent out through BackerKit to both backers and preorder supporters.
That's all, I hope you're all having a fantastic Mother's Day!
May 2024 Update! Arc 5 and Korean Player's Guide out and other updates
10 months ago
– Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 06:50:49 PM
Hello all! Arc 5: Wood: Our Radiant Revolution is finally out and we're almost at the finish line. The party finally makes it to the capital city of Danguk, Asadal, where they will confront the masterminds behind the Black Stake incidents. Once Arc 6 is out next month, we will immediately make contact with our printer.
In addition! The Korean translation for the Player's Guide is complete and committed to layout! PDFs have been sent out to all Kickstarter backers. We're working on translating Arc 1 so it'll follow when we have it available. Thank you so much for all your patience.
The acrylic minis are due to be manufactured starting next week! We've come to an arrangement with our partners. It took some time, but we wanted to make sure that the minis were totally fit for in-person play. I have it in good authority that they conform 100% with size standards for miniatures.
Also! We have a number of new creatures to share with you on our Patreon. In the last couple weeks, we uploaded a printable mini and statblock of our Pipefox conversion from PF2e. We also have a totally homebrew monster, the Apgolmaja, a mummy that includes the sarcophagus! We have a lot of exciting updates coming up such as lore and subclasses that I'm eager to play with, so please, consider supporting us to help fund our future projects.
The final episodes of Arc 2 of Transplanar's The Chaos Protocol are almost out! We've got some exciting monsters to share with our partnership with GM Connie and her table. Please do check out the show on Saturday, 8PM Eastern!
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to comment here, catch us on social media, or email us at [email protected]! You can also join our Discord server where I'll be talking more about my design process as I work on new playable material for 5e and PF2e.
April Update: Arc 4 out
11 months ago
– Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 04:27:11 PM
By MLarty
Hello everyone, here we are coming at you with April's update! Arc 4 has been sent to everyone's email through Backerkit. Like before, do contact us if you haven't gotten them or you need help with the download. In this segment, the player characters are traversing through the industrial city of Gungnae in the cold north, about to run into whole nests of curse-imbued dragons.
With Arc 4 out, we're 2 arcs away from finalizing the PDF to send out to the printers. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling on that June and July. Merchandise is underway, I'm having healthy discussions with a company that specializes in acrylic minis specifically meant for TTRPG play.
The Patreon is as lively as ever. We just posted our 5e conversion of PF2e's Skulltaker, a CR 18 undead monster that assimilates the bones of its victims into its body. Big fan of wind chimes, this one. He only appears at higher elevation of mountains, preying on lost travelers. I'm thinking also of revamping our output depending on what people would want to see, maybe include more subclasses based on Eastern culture and mythology. Definitely going to expand into doing more UC-based lore. We're open to any suggestions!
Other than that, everything is moving smoothly at a reasonable pace that we can muster based on our individual life circumstances.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email [email protected], join our Discord server, or simply comment/DM us on Kickstarter!
March Update: Arc 3, Updated Player's Guide
12 months ago
– Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 06:14:27 PM
Hello all!
Happy March, hope you're all healthy and well. We've sent out Arc 3 out of 6 to your emails through BackerKit! If there are any issues regarding that, please let me know.
It's been a busy month for me and the layout team already, but we're finally back and moving at our regular pace. We don't expect Arc 4 to come out later than it should around the end of April. In addition, we've taken this opportunity to incorporate any comments and criticism we received into the Player's Guide. For example, weapons and spells have been moved to the Player's Guide for easier access for players.
Korean Translation Progress
The Player's Guide is almost complete! At well around over 30K words, there was a lot to go through and a lot of culturally sensitive terminology to research, so we thank you for your patience. We'll do our best to make sure this gets out properly.
We're still working on PF2e and Cloudbreaker Alliance content of course, but our priority at present is to ensure that the foundational English-language 5e version is released and sent to print. This thorough multi-step review process is ultimately helping to make our book and adaptations of it as strong as it can possibly be, so I'd like to thank my team for all their hard work and due diligence there.
Altogether, we are continuing our pace to get the completed digital file sent over to the printers around May or June, with one arc released each month.
Our Patreon is still up and running! To share with you a little of what we're doing, here's another sample of one of our first releases: Tan the bomber chef Dokkaebi!
We put out an update last week with an original Gumiho Cleric of the Hearth NPC statblock and printable mini design. There's a lot of intentional synergy between the Undying Corruption adventure and the converted monster and NPC designs we put out, particularly with the expansion of Valiant Actions. I'm hoping to branch further into expanded lore too shortly!
Paid GMing Update
I have a new part time job with an irregular schedule, so I may not be able to run my paid gmed games as consistently as I would've liked to. BUT I would be very happy to still open up some tables, particularly on Sunday or such if you'll have me! Happy to maintain flexibility and discuss what's in the realm of possibility.
Our Season of Ghosts game just got its first player KO! Fighting against a mushroom man and catching a bad bug in the middle of a fight, our poor Magus was consumed by the fungus. Still, we're working on figuring out how to return him to the campaign, certainly in a different form than before.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reply to this update, contact me privately, reach us at [email protected], or simply join our growing Discord community!
Feb 2023: Addendum to the Last Update
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 07:16:46 AM
Hey everyone, chiming in since we have a new announcement and a backer brought to our attention that the Patreon link in the previous update wasn’t functional. Kickstarter only lets us update announcements until only 30 minutes after they’re first posted, so this is the best way to get the right information out there:
We’ve actually just posted our update for this week too for both 5e and PF2e! Presenting our Dokkaebi NPC, Tan the Bomber! She’s an alchemist born from a chef’s love for cooking (though her dishes end up being far, far spicier). Her idea of fine dining tends to get her in trouble, usually charged with arson, but someday, her love will prevail over such the culinary establishment’s fuddy-duddy sensibilities.
Use her digital token or playable mini for your character or add her to your story as an allied NPC!
Enamel Pins
We also would like to show off the enamel pins that have been manufactured!
All pins have been accounted for and are up to snuff for delivery. The only bits of merchandise left to put together now are the special norigae and the acrylic standees we promised. They will be sent alongside the hardcover books as planned!
Paid-GM Games
Also worth mentioning, I still have a table open for my Curse of Strahd game to be run, say, Monday afternoon! If anybody is interested, please do not hesitate to hit me up. We’re due to start the 3rd session of my Season of Ghosts game this weekend and we’re almost at the end of Chapter 1!
Again, thank you all for your patience, but we just wanted to make sure we got accurate information out to you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reply here, DM us, or email us at [email protected]. You can also join our growing community in our Discord server!