The mud of pure malice pollutes the wetlands of the Yuhwa Province and the people of Eunsan grow restless and scared as possessions and undead mischief become commonplace. Undying Corruption will take your characters from lvls 1 to 20 as ordinary shamans and exorcists of the Black Bear Clan restoring order between the physical world and the spiritual. What appears like a local issue becomes far grander as your journey takes you across the entirety of the Korean mythology-inspired country of Danguk, uncovering the dark conspiracy at the root of the challenges you must face.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Softcover edition Player's Guide available as new stretch goal on BackerKit; Also, Happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 08:11:31 PM
Good afternoon, everyone! I hope everyone has plans for an eventful (or restful at the very least) week. I'm planning on meeting the family tomorrow for an early celebration. So yeah, a couple things! First, we showcased a new illustration on social media: it's the rich people eater itself, the Yeongno.
The Yeongno appears in regional Korean masked theater. A banished Celestial, it seeks to reopen its way back into the heavens by eating 100 rich people who have abused their positions and power, a role that resonates to this day, establishing its somewhat international cult presence. Delighted to announce that you can find its statblock in our book!
This went up a little after surveys were officially sent out on BackerKit, but by popular demand, we have an additional stretch goal! We're offering to print softcover copies of our Player's Guide (contains all playable options and lore) for anyone that wants it. For people who would prefer not to refer to both their physical books and a laptop/phone to refer to materials while GMing or playing, having this physical book on hand will spare you a lot of trouble.
Just to reiterate, everyone who already purchased the book will get a digital copy of the Player's Guide no problem with all the information intact. We'll also use the funds from the initial volume to spruce up the Player's Guide even more! If you've already filled out the survey and would like to pledge for a softcover book, you can go back and edit your survey!
Anyway, besides that, things are still chugging along. I just finished statting up the final boss of the new arc, so get ready, I was feeling particularly devious at the time! Hope you all enjoy the holidays!
Issue Resolved Re: Digital Reward Tier Surveys on BackerKit
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 03:29:48 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
BackerKit Surveys
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 09:50:44 PM
BackerKit Update
Despite delays on processing payment from our bank's side, we've finally begun to send out surveys!
So far, 5% of backers will receive a survey via a smoke test and provided nothing is amiss, we'll send them out to everyone else later today. We'll be collecting addresses (if you ordered any physical products) and gathering info for certain reward tiers such as for commission information and such. We will wait a little longer until gathering any shipping fees, especially for Korean backers as we figure out the best way to deliver them their books. Ideally through a Korean domestic fulfillment company that has worked with crowdfunding.
Important Dates
Locking Orders: December 1st and on.
Playtest releases: sometime January. Due to sudden holiday plans among team members, we'll try to deliver on this around January. Regardless, we've been hard at work, and we do have something of an alpha version that can be found in our Discord channel as a preview.
Beta PDF release: July to August
Lock addresses: July to August
Final PDF release: August to September
Shipping: September to October
In the past few weeks, our team has been hard at work resuming progress on writing, art, and proofreading. I'm taking a half-vacation myself preparing playtest content! Everything's going well, it's just a matter of sharing content in a clean, presentable format.
Survey FAQs
If you'd like, you will have the option of upgrading your pledge tier in the survey! You can click "Switch your Pledge level" just beneath the "Get Started!" button.
For those who missed our Kickstarter, once again, our pre-order store is up:
If your Kickstarter pledge was declined, you can opt in through your survey, which will arrive through by email.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or pop into our Discord channel!
Timeline: Countdown till Print
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 01:53:38 PM
Good afternoon!
Even after the Kickstarter, we find ourselves with no end of work, BUT! I can assure you that we're making excellent progress on making our deadlines. To keep you informed of what to expect and when, let's take a look at our estimated timeline till release:
Post Kickstarter Timeline (very rough estimates)
BackerKitsurveys to be released: November 9th (we're waiting on funding from Kickstarter to go through so we can compensate BackerKit for their service to proceed)
Locking orders: December 1st and on
Playtest releases: sometime December
BetaPDF release: July to August
Lock addresses: July to August
Final PDF release: August to September
Shipping: September to October
I'm erring on the side of caution to give us a degree of flexibility, but as promised, we'll deliver on November at the very, very latest. Right now, we're doing all we can to make sure we can put out a solid playtest document to both backers and folks who pick up the book later through pre-orders. Speaking of!
We hope to compile together our playable ancestries and archetypes, both 5e and PF2e versions, plus creature stat blocks from Tiers 1-4 in the upcoming documents. They'll also include some pieces of lore to help you situate your characters, magic items, andspells. Having data on how everything plays out in practice will really help us fine-tune our final product.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or message us through Kickstarter! You can also join our Discord server here and interact with other TTRPG players!
Curtain Call! Thank you so much!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 11:57:24 PM
With the support of all 1368 of you, we smashed through all stretch goals and achieved an outstanding goal of $89,704! We at Nine Heavens Press are beyond humbled for your support in making sure we can finish Undying Corruption in its most outstanding form. From this point on, we will be hard at work finishing the book along with the additional content made possible through your generosity as our investors.
Besides our wonderful team for all the enthusiasm and efforts to push the game in the final days, I'd like to extend special thanks to Zac of Plus Three Press, HTTPaladin, and my cousin Bundy Kim of Contingent99 for their guidance and experience both setting up and managing the campaign. With the dynamic nature of campaigns like this, their advice absolutely helped adapt to new situations.
In addition, we'd like to thank Josefiend and Stellaluna for organizing live one-shots of our sample chapters in the beginning days. You can find them over on Twitter and Twitch!
Final thanks to KUKIBOX, DCC Cafe, and the Laughing Goblin Cafe, game stores in Korea, for helping both print and distribute flyers to reach a Korean gaming audience. In particular, we'd like to thank Dan, 젤리빈, and Strofel for connecting us to the wider Korean player base and earning their trust through the past couple months.
What's Next?
Sometime next week, we'll put out a timeline of what to expect during the post-Kickstarter phase of our push to get these books printed. Though we have three separate groups running through our adventure, I think we'll need to enlist our backers to assist with playtesting, especially at Tiers 3 and 4 play. We'll also put out details regarding that and get content out at the right time.
We'll also be getting our pre-order shop ready, so if you've missed out on the Kickstarter, have no fear! You will still be able to get your early copy of Undying Corruption no problem.
Once again, thank you all so much for your incredible support, and we'll be sure to keep in touch as we progress toward completion.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected], hit us in the comments or messages, or join our Discord server: